Restricted Goods

Cost-Saving Compliance

Restricted GoodsWhile shipping products is a fairly straight-forward process, some products may have certain shipping rules that must be followed. For example:

  • Package must be received by an adult
  • Signature required
  • Shipments to or from certain states is prohibited - this can even be restricted by Postal Code

Failure to comply with these restrictions can result in costly fines, unnecessary returns and dissatisfied customers.

Work with ParceLink to catch errant packages. Define your business rules, do a daily upload of shipments and we'll generate a report that flags potentially non-compliant shipments so your company can correct as needed.

If you decide to track restricted goods with our Visibility solution, one can address chain-of-custody and other accountability issues.

Restricted Goods

Examples of products that may have shipping restrictions include the following:

  • Wine and other alcoholic beverages
  • Tobacco products
  • Firearms and ammunition
  • Lithium batteries
  • Chemicals and chemical products - liquid nitrogen, certain pesticides and solvents